Nickelodeon Magazine: Was it hard to be the star of a movie when you didn't have much acting experience?

Daniel Radcliffe: It was nerve-racking. The first day on the set, I was very nervous. I was used to rehearsing with about eight people, and then I got to the set and, including the extras, there were like 150 people there.

Nick Mag:What's the hardest part about acting?

D.R.: Getting the right emotions. Generally, I try to think about a song or a book, and that emotion comes out with my expressions. I hope.

Nick Mag: What was a hard scene to do?

D.R.: The mirror scene. It's the emotional center of the movie, so I had to get exactly the right thought into my head.

Nick Mag: Did you have to do any special training to play Harry?

D.R.: Yes. Because I did a lot of my own stunts, I had to do a lot of gymnastics training. One of my stunt doubles was this guy called David Holmes. He's a great gymnast. He's been teaching me gymnastics, and it's so much fun.

Nick Mag: What was your favorite stunt?

D.R.: There was this one shot where I was hanging one-handed from my broomstick, twenty-two feet in the air. I was wired up to the broom-with a huge airbag underneath me-and they moved me around up there. That was pretty cool.

Nick Mag: Would you want to be friends with Harry in real life?

D.R.: Absolutely. I like his curiosity and his loyalty. And his magic powers, too. He's so serious, but at the same time he can be very funny.

Daniel's Favorite...

Harry Potter Book: Number two, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. "I suppose it's the darkest, but so much goes on in it."


Scene to film: The chess scene. "The set is amazing."

Source: Nickelodeon Magazine, October 2001 Issue