Nickelodeon Magazine:What's your favorite thing about Ron?

Rupert Grint: He's really funny. And you also kind of feel sorry for him because he's always got hand-me-downs.

Nick Mag:What stunt did you most enjoy doing?

R.G.:I was on a wire and I was dropped from really, really high up into the Devil's Snare. It was fun, so I liked it when we had to do more takes.

Nick Mag:If you could play someone else in the movie, who would it be?

R.G.:I like the sound of Malfoy. He's pretty nasty at times, and that would be quite fun. It would be cool to have the audience against me.

Nick Mag:How did you go to school during the filming?

R.G.:We had a tutor on the set. Whenever we weren't filming, we were in the classroom studying. We had to study a minimun of three hours and a maximum of five hours a day.

Nick Mag:What school subject are you good at?

R.G.: I like to draw. I drew a picture of Alan Rickman [who plays Professor Severus Snape]. It was kind of amazing, but really ugly. Then I found out that he was right behind me, watching me draw this picture. He took it really well.

Rupert's Favorite...

Harry Potter Book:Number three, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. "I like all the bits about Scabbers being an Animagus. And Ron gets an owl."

Character:Ron. "Even before I got to play him in the film!"

Scene to Film:The chess scene. "There were these great huge chess pieces, and I got to ride a really cool horse."